Digital Guerrilla is happy to announce we will be sponsoring BiLT Academy 2019 being held on 8th Oct 2019 at New College Lanarkshire, Motherwell Campus.
Aimed at students and educators in the AECO industry, BILT Academy is a one-day summit with a mix of workshops and labs from industry experts to showcase the current state of the art technology practices and workflows in the industry. Content this year includes a focus on; Computational Design and Coding, Model and Project Management, BIM Interoperability & Interdisciplinary Collaboration. As emerging building industry experts, students will get the opportunity to discover and explore the current BIM methodologies, as well as the latest technological developments in software and project management.
Our Digital Director Graham said, “this is a great opportunity for students to get access to and learn from some of the global BIM leaders visiting Scotland as part of the BiLT Europe 2019 conference being held in Edinburgh 10-12 Oct 2019, not something to be missed, and we look forward to hearing from the students”.