Digital Guerrilla release 2 new Public Training Courses for 2018 – BIM, COBie, Ifc & Classification

Digital Guerrilla are pleased to announce the release of 2 new public courses today.

We are pleased to announce the release of our 1st 2018 public BIM training course. This course is based on our popular BIM101 series which we ran last year. Sign up here –

We are also pleased to announce our 1st public release of our popular “How to Deliver COBie, Ifc & Classification for Revit” – We will also be providing all attendee’s with a special 25% discount code to use to purchase before 8th May 2018 our COBie set up for Revit – and a chance to win a copy of “Delivering COBie using Autodesk Revit” book – sign up here –

If you need any further details then please get in touch otherwise sign up soon as places are limited.

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