Oops looks like I forgot to send details of the last update out so please note the following: Time for another update of uniclass 2015. This time there has been 113 updates with 83 new codes added to Co, En, SL, Ss, Pr, FI & PM tables and 22 have been deleted from Co, En, … Continue Reading

Third BIM National Meeting, Uruguay
Today we are travelling over 7250 miles to Uruguay to take part in the Third BIM National Meeting organised by the Chamber of Constriction of Uruguay and the National Development Corporation. Our Digital Director will be presenting his views on ISO19650, Scotlands BIM journey and the role of Information Management. We will also be discussing … Continue Reading

Best BIM & Digital Information Management Consultant – UK
So happy to officially announce we won, Best BIM & Digital Information Management Consultant – UK, at the Build Magazines Construction and Engineering Awards 2019. Drawing on their extensive market experience, Digital Guerrilla Consultancy Ltd work closely with a wide variety of clients, to provide a bespoke range of services including training, education and project … Continue Reading

BiLT Academy 2019 Sponsor
Digital Guerrilla is happy to announce we will be sponsoring BiLT Academy 2019 being held on 8th Oct 2019 at New College Lanarkshire, Motherwell Campus. Aimed at students and educators in the AECO industry, BILT Academy is a one-day summit with a mix of workshops and labs from industry experts to showcase the current state … Continue Reading

London 2019 COBie Training
We will be delivering our #COBie, #Ifc & #Classification for Revit Course in London 3rd Dec 2019 which will include our Revit Setup FREE https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-deliver-cobie-ifc-classification-for-autodesk-revit-london-2019-tickets-72150376719 #SignUpNow #EarlyXmas Aim:Our aim is to guide you on how best to approach COBie using Autodesk Revit 2019 and gain an understanding of Ifc & Classification and their role in delivering structured … Continue Reading
Time for another update of uniclass 2015. This time there has been 385 updates with 221 new codes added to Co, Ac, SL, EF, Ss, Pr, TE, FI, PM & Ro tables and 102 have been deleted from SL, EF, Ss, Pr, TE, FI, PM tables. This is the latest in our quarterly updating programme … Continue Reading
Time for another update of uniclass 2015. This time there has been 468 updates with 269 new codes added to En, Ac, SL, EF, Ss, Pr, FI, PM & Ro tables and 76 have been deleted from SL, Ss, Pr, FI, PM & Ro tables. This is the latest in our quarterly updating programme for Uniclass … Continue Reading
Digital ‘golden thread’ for high-rise resi to cost £40m-£80m
A recent article on BIM+ notes the government is looking to mandate the use of BIM on high-rise residential projects as part of a raft of tighter measures to improve safety in higher risk residential buildings. BIM would form a golden thread of information to improve accountability for decision making and provide information that can be … Continue Reading

Congratulations! Your abstract has been accepted for BILT Europe 2019
A great start to the day by receiving comfirmation that our class has been accepted. Delivering COBie, Classification & Ifc using Revit for Asset Management To deliver models that are fit for the client’s requirements, we need designers and the wider supply chain to structure data in a specific way. This class has been developed … Continue Reading
Time for another update of uniclass 2015. This time there has been 401 updates with 207 new codes added to En, EF, Ss, Pr, PM & the new Ro table. “This is the latest in our quarterly updating programme for Uniclass 2015 and includes updates to six tables, as well as the introduction of a new … Continue Reading