Preparing for BIM – The Last 2 Events

Looking forward to presenting at the last 2 Preparing for BIM Events which have very limited availability. These FREE opportunities are great way to get started with BIM. Book your place today on either Preparing For BIM Stirling or Preparing for BIM Hamilton

Autodesk Classification Manager – updating uniclass 2015

Evening You may not be aware but if you are using the Autodesk Classification Manager this contains out of date uniclass tables from 2016 which were updated in April 2017. Updating these tables can be time consuming but not impossible, the following describes the process I went through to update for uniclass 2015 & 1.4 … Continue Reading

BRE Academy Training Delivery Partner Appointment

  • 21/06/2017
  • Training
  • DGuerrilla

Evening Last week we announced we had been appointed by BRE Academy as a training delivery partner which means we will soon be delivering their BIM Fundamentals & PIM/TIM Workshops (which we have also completed the online courses so that’s a bonus). This is something we are very excited about and really looking forward to … Continue Reading

Uniclass 2015 (a review)

Evening Over the past few months since setting up my new company, Digital Guerrilla, I have been reviewing a number of things to get more indepth knowledge to assist my clients namely uniclass 2015, COBie & ifc. From these reviews I thought I would share what I have found which hopefully others will find of … Continue Reading

Developing a Training Programme

vening Something I have been passionate about for as long as I can remember is training and supporting staff. If you have the knowledge and experience to help others then its a no brainier!! To quote #JKF “The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds” My training stamina was put to the test … Continue Reading

Welcome to Digital Guerrilla

Evening Well it has been a busy few months since leaving Ramboll and setting up new company (Digital Guerrilla in case you don’t know by now) and since I have never done this before it has been a steep learning curve. Now setting up the company was relatively easy – find a name and get … Continue Reading